Home FAQ PeakErazor Dummies Guide MS-tables Fragment Analyzer


This section mainly contains copies of the written documentation. If you are missing documentation you may contact Lighthouse data at php@bmb.sdu.dk

Check the GPMAW area, contains several ‘how-to’ sections.

A FAQ, frequence asked questions, section is being created.


The “Dummies Guide” is a small booklet giving hints and tips on working with GPMAW. Unlike the manual, this booklet is more a how-to. Currently it is in its 5th incarnation and is upgraded to version 9.10 of GPMAW.


Ordering infomation:

Brochure on GPMAW (pdf format). Pricing, delivery etc. Please note that the pricing has changed - for correct prices see Pricing info.

Order form for ordering by credit card
(pdf format - not valid for ordering from Denmark)


Other downloads:

Please see the Downloads section for downloading upgrades and demo version of GPMAW.

Manual v. 9.2

The GPMAW manual can be read as a pdf file.

GPMAW Newsletters:

Starting from version 5.00 until version 7.00 a newsletter accompanied most releases of GPMAW. Although out of date, the functions are still present in GPMAW.
These can be downloaded here:

October 2001. Version 5.00
Version 5.01 was a service release without newsletter.
March 2002. Version 5.02 (released on March 22).
September 2002. Version 5.10 (released on September 26).
May 2003. Version 6.00 (released on May 28).
October 2003. Version 6.01
April 2004. Version 6.10
December 2004. Version 6.20
December 2005. Release of version 7.00

Site last updated: June 05, 2024