Home Payment terms


GPMAW licenses


Prices valid until May 1, 2025

Single license

US$  420.-

Additional licenses when bought together

US$  315.-

5-user license

US$ 1360.-

10-user license

US$ 2360.-

Site license (unlimited number of users at a single site)

US$ 3040.-

Educational institutions get a 20% discount.

GPMAW upgrades

Single license upgrade
If you need to upgrade multiple licenses, please contact Lighthouse data, e-mail.


US$ 210.-

What do I get?

You will receive a license code enabling you to activate the entire software package from www.gpmaw.com. In addition you get a link to a complete installation package containing you license file - this is the easiest way to get a running version of the software.

In all cases you will get free web upgrades for 18 month. The program will inform you (once) for every new release. You are also welcome to check on the www.gpmaw.com home page. New versions are released at least once a year.
Note: The printed manual is no longer part of the package, but the full manual can be found on the installation media (in .pdf format) and is by default part of the installation.


Purchase orders are welcome, payment is 30 days.
You are also welcome to pay by credit card (MasterCard, EuroCard or VISA) - however, Danish credit cards cannot be accepted.
For payment by credit card, please contact Lighthouse data for a secure Payment link or use the Order form.

Order form

You can send the order by Mail, or E-mail, or Fax: +45 6619 3396 (discontinued).

An invoice will always be supplied. For payment terms, check here

Please note: All prices are listed excluding VAT and customs duty. For orders within the EU you need to include the VAT number of your company / institution when ordering. If the VAT number is not included, VAT at the Danish rate of 25% will be added to the invoice. For orders from outside the EU no VAT will be charged.

Direct download

If you supply an e-mail address when ordering, you are welcome to request a license code, which enables you to download the fully functional program package and get started right away. Lighthouse data will only use this e-mail address with regards to this delivery, and will not submit unsolicited e-mails or hand it over to other parties.

Site last updated: February 26, 2025