Installing GPMAW
Installation of GPMAW comes in three flavors:
1) Based on a zipped download containing all files
2) Based on a license file combined with download from this web site
3) From version 14, it will be based on a 25-character license key. Here you download the installer directly and obtain the license key from Lighthouse data. See also Installing v. 14
Note: You have to be Administrator of your computer in to run the install program.
Zipped download:
You obtain the zipped download from Lighthouse data in the form of a link. You can usually download by copying the link into your favorite browser. This will then download a zipped file to your download directory. The file will have a name of the form ‘’.
From here you may copy the file to a temporary directory on your system (note that some systems does not allow installation from e.g. a USB stick).
In the temporary directory you right-click on the zipped file and select ‘Unpack all’. A dialog will open asking for a password, you enter the one supplied by Lighthouse data along with the download link. Press Enter and Windows will unpack the file to a new directory with the following content:
If the default zip program does not recognize the file as having a password, you should install the zip file program ‘7zip’ which can downloaded from
The upzipped file contains the following directories and files:

The ‘Documents’ directory contains two manual, an introduction (Dummies) and the full manual. These are copied onto your system when installing, but can also be copied and read from here.
Then ‘USB’ directory contains a full install of the GPMAW program, and if your system allows, you may run GPMAW directly from here if you double-click on the gpmaw3.exe file located in the ‘USB\bin’ directory.
To install GPMAW on your system, you just double-click on either GPsetup32.exe or GPsetup64.exe depending on whether your system is 32-bit or 64-bit. The vast majority of modern systems are 64-bit. If in doubt, you select the 64-bit version, it will protest if it is the wrong system.
The only difference between the two versions is that the 64-bit is slightly faster (you will never notice) and can access a larger memory address space (you may notice).
Running the setup:
When running the Setup you can add the following parameters on the command line:
●/Silent - The Setup program will run without intervention of the user.
●/Hide - The Setup program will run completely in the background, presenting nodialog during the process.
●/InstallDir="Destination Directory" - Define the default Destination directory forthe setup.
Just follow directions and after installation you may delete the temporary directory or make a backup of it.
GPMAW often installs in ‘administrator’ mode under Windows 10/11, which in many environments is not allowed. In most cases you can change to standard User mode by following the procedure outline here for ‘Windows 10 - you need initially to be in administrator mode’.
Note: If you want to only copy the setup file to backup, you also need to include GPMAW.LCS, as this is the license file, without which the install file will not run
Installation based on GPMAW.LCS file:
Note: From version 14.0 of GPMAW, the license file has been replaced by a more traditional license key (a 25 character letter/number sequence) obtainable from Lighthosue data. When starting the GPMAW for the first time, the program asks for the key, which is then saved by the program.
The GPMAW.LCS file may be used in cases where you want to install a different version of GPMAW than the one delivered, or you may have obtained just the GPMAW.LCS file.
NOTE: The license file is valid for all versions of GPMAW up until 18 month after the initial delivery.
Start by making a temporary directory in a location where you are allowed to run an installation program.
Copy the GPMAW.LCS file to this directory.
Go to From here there are links to the various versions of GPMAW. When you have selected and downloaded the appropriate version, copy it to the same temporary directory as the license file above.
Double-click the installer and follow instructions.
Note: The license file (GPMAW.LCS) needs to be present in the same directory as the installer (GPsetupXX.exe) in order for the installer to run.
If you download an upgrade version of GPMAW (e.g. GPupdate64.exe), it will install without the license file. However, GPMAW will need the license file in order to run. This means that you need a previous full installation of GPMAW in order to run the upgrade, as an upgrade installer in general only contains the executable file and the corresponding help file.