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Older versions

GPMAW has existed since 1987, and since then new versions have been released at least once every year. For some time a new version was released every time a new feature was added, but IT-departments are not happy about too frequent updates. So a compromise has been made with a new release 9-12 month apart, and more frequent beta versions, that users with a valid license are free to download.

A list of previous releases going back to 2002 (not all links are active):

January 22, 2017. Some users still have problems accessing the NCBI server for downloading sequence files. If you can access UniProt sequences, the most likely cause is a problem in the Secure Socket Layer, which can be fixed by installing the two files libeay32.dll og ssleay32.dll. These have been added to the install files for 10.30 so either download and re-install this or download the latest beta version.

March 2019. Due to a couple of minor errors, version 12.10 has been replaced by 12.11.
February 10, 2019. GPMAW version 12.10 has been released. Go to Downloads for more information.
August 30, 2018. GPMAW version 12.0 has been released. Go to Downloads for more information.
September 14, 2017: GPMAW version 11.0 has been released. Go to Downloads for more information
December 10, 2016. Version 10.30 had an error when calculating disulfide peptides and has been upgraded to 10.31. The time-stamp is identical so all users of 10.30 can upgrade to 10.31.
November 27, 2016: GPMAW version 10.3 has been released. Go to Downloads for more information
June 26, 2016: GPMAW version 10.2 has been released. Go to Downloads for more information
September 1, 2015: GPMAW version 10.1 has been released. Go to Downloads for more information.
November 1, 2014: GPMAW version 10.0 has been released. Go to Downloads for more information.
August 1, 2014: Due to almost no traffic, the Lighthouse data fax has been discontinued. Please communicate by e-mail (php@bmb.sdu.dk).
March 09, 2014: Due to a persistent error in the calculation of ms/ms fragments version 9.51 has been upgraded. Go to Downloads for more information.
November 03, 2013: Due to an error in the calculation of ms/ms fragments version 9.50 has been replaced by 9.51. Go to Downloads for more information.
September 22, 2013: Version 9.50 is released and is available for download. Go to Downloads or to the Version 9.50 information.
January 27, 2013: Download assistant. In order to help with the sometimes confusing versions of the installer, here is an assistant to help you. Download page.
January 21, 2013: Error in version 9.21!!
the original version 9.21 contained an error in displaying ms/ms information of peptides. Current version has been fixed - please check here
October 17, 2012: Version 9.21 released and available for download - please check here.
June 02, 2012: Full demo version available for download - please check here.
June 02, 2012: Version 9.20 of GPMAW has been released. The update can be downloaded from the Downloads page, changes can be viewed here.
April 06, 2012: The web site has been reworked and is presented in a different layout.
March 03, 2012: Beta version 9.13beta5 has been posted and can be downloaded from the beta page.
January 08, 2012: A
beta version labeled 9.13beta1 has been posted and can be downloaded from the beta page.

November 5, 2011:
The new version 9.12 has been released. For changes and new features See the 9.12 upgrade page here. Downloads here.
September 30, 2011: The new version 9.11 has been released. For changes and new features See the 9.11 upgrade page here.
May 28, 2011: The new version 9.10 has been released. For changes and new features See the 9.10 upgrade page here. Furthermore, a new version of the ‘Dummies Guide’ has been written (download here) - this version has a greater focus on being an introductory manual.
October 31, 2010: Version 9.02 replaces 9.00 & 9.01. For corrections See here.
September 14, 2010: Version 9.01 replaces 9.00. A few minor changes. See here.
September 7, 2010: Version 9.00 of gpmaw has been released. You can read more about it on the Version 9.00 page.
April 7, 2010:
Beta version 8.30b2 for download..
November 01, 2009: Version 8.21 posted. This is a minor update, the most important change is that mass search without enzyme could not be done.
August 24, 2009: Version 8.20 released.
November 30, 2008: Version 8.10 released.
December 9, 2007: Version 8.00 released. The main change in this version is the inclusion of the X! Tandem ms/ms search engine. Note: Service release 1 has been posted, please update your system.
July 2007: Error in loading of sequences from NCBI. The Entrez server on the web has moved, so it is presently not possible to load sequences from NCBI. A fix will be posted as soon as possible.
FIXED: Version 7.10 has been released as Service Release 2 with the sequence retrieval fixed.
February 23 2007: ProteinXXX, the protein cross-linking function of GPMAW 7.10 is available as a separate program for download.
January 2007: Version 7.10 of GPMAW has been released. Also the “Dummies guide” has been updated and can be downloaded in .pdf format.
September 2006: Version 7.02 of GPMAW has been posted on the web site.
August 2006: Two errors were located in version 7.01. A corrected version has now been posted.
February 2006: A new web site http://www.gpmaw.com has been set up (no adverticements!). Please use this in the future as welcome.to/gpmaw is likely to terminate.
February 2006: A minor upgrade 7.01 of GPMAW is now available.
December 2005: GPMAW has been updated to version 7.00.
August 2005: PeakErazor updated to version 2.01 along with manual and more info.
March 2005: Version 6.21 of GPMAW has been released.
Februrary 2005: PeakErazor updated with mass defect calibration and various minor items.
December 2004: Version 6.20 of GPMAW has been released.
June 2004: How to improve on peptide mass searches (PMF). Look in the GPMAW section.
May 2004: Install and use multiple alignment (ClustalW) from GPMAW. See installation guide.
April 2004: Upgrade to version 6.10.
October: Upgrade to version 6.01.
May 28:
Upgrade to version 6.00.
February 24: PeakErazor has been upgraded to version 1.50.
January 03: Web site updated to new style and more content.
Upgrade to version 5.11.
Nov-5-02: DBindex has been updated.
Sep-26-02: Upgrade to version 5.10.
The manual (v. 5.02) is now online. Please go to the Help section.


Site last updated: February 14, 2025